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  • Caught the first chapters of Remedy over on Fanfic, great work and as a fan of Not Sick I am curious where you will taking things with a sequel especially given your citing such works The Expanse - Jutjutsu Kaisen for it.

    Best of luck, I look forward to it and seeing what the final part of Obito Sensei turns into, given the Attack on Titan themes I'm sure it will be engaging - traumatic in the best way.
    What's with the eyes? (I sort of skimmed HxH; my siblings were considerably more into it than I was.)
    Gon's eyes are black wells because he hates himself at that moment.

    The eyes in his hair are Kite's, his zombified Godfather. It's one of the coolest thought-bubbles I've ever seen.
    Czlyydwr Llrngwl
    Czlyydwr Llrngwl
    It's got a very "My brain is FULL OF FUCK!" vibe to it, without context. Sounds like it's not so different with context.
    Oh wow I didn't recognize you there for a second without that bitchin' hat you used to wear. Like the new avatar either way.
    Ha, I know where this profile pic is from!
    all fictions
    all fictions
    It hit the manga reading community, if there is such a thing, like a storm. Just the update rate: in, what, two weeks(?), the translator released chapters every day till he caught up with the Japanese publication. That's enough to garner attention.
    Wow. That's insane. He must have been working day and night. The translations pretty good, too. I just had it tossed at me by @AQZT. Fell in love pretty quickly.
    all fictions
    all fictions
    Funniest thing is, the guy just woke up one day and though ''hey, this is a cool manga and I want more people to know about it'', deciding right then to scan, translate, proofread, and edit the whole thing on his own.

    And yeah, it is awesome. Even when things turned serious (the transition was smooth too), the great comedy was still strong.

    Also, the shipping. Can't forget that.
    I just found Obito Sensei. Well. It's quite fascinating, as a concept, but maybe point out that the description itself is lategame spoilers for Naruto?
    Gimme a sec, need a computer.
    Well, I never really put serious thought into that, since it's been almost three years with Obito's fate out there for everyone to know. On the other hand, I kept the summary very vague, so no one wandering across it would immediately know Obito survived Kanabi.
    I hope you enjoy it. It's my favorite fic, even if I never really update it. Very busy lately.
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