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  • Heyo,
    Glad to see you back! I hope that things have been going okay for you.
    Edit: If you ever want to that Tarot Cards game again, I'd recommend getting rid of the False Start drawback, as well as making the game where each player writes out what they are doing over a fixed period of in-game time. That could well do the trick to help keep the game moving. I'd gladly participate in the game again.
    Roses are red.
    BlackCat writes with prose.
    All your RPs get open then close.

    :Just a friendly message:
    Has a lot of meaning, I used it as straightforwad.
    Looking it up, should I be more rhymey? Even though it might make my posts less timely?
    As it is your post has depth and life. But it's missing a key rhythm, strife.

    You make more and more, but can you hold onto your core? If not, what are you waiting for? This forced rhyme play makes me sore. And I better stop before I bore.
    Oh look, it's that cat! What was his name, Yomiel? Yeah, now I remember. That blond guy was definitely Sissel, too.
    yeh, glad to see that someone knows the reference!
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