Aurora Moon

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  • Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    Yeah. I was a little loopy from lack of sleep. Was up for like 2 days straight with only catnaps in between. looking back on my posts tonight I definitely shouldn't have argued so much. But that's my toxic trait, you know, I like to get argumentative when I'm tired and bored. That's when the troll in me comes out. Usually I mitigate this and avoid doing this by being more productive, working on fanfics and stuff.
    Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    But unfortunately last night I had writer's and artist's block, plus I was overly tired AND bored. such a bad combo for me. If I was in more of a right mind I think I would've realized that I should just do that on FB and not on SV. The people on SV generally don't deserve this kind of behavior from me.
    A question if I may ask? Do you plan to add any more chapters to Always a Lighthouse? It's an awesome story. I'd love to see if Vigors/plasmids change anything. Superpowers in a bottle.
    Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    Yeah, I've been meaning to but I'm running a Quest that's been taking a lot of my time over at SB. XD;;
    I'm slowly writing chapters for my other stories like that one though!
    Good evening/morning/day! I have one interesting conversation on Discord... You see, I need a list of wishes to fulfill first, when promoted to be the Wishmaster. So could you answer question below? I promise, I am going to fulfill these wishes first, when I become the Wishmaster!

    "What new law would you introduce to the universe, if could do so without breaking it beyond repair or/and ability to exist?"
    Andre Chaos
    Andre Chaos
    Also, JOE have a question:

    JOE: "does the within reason as long as it follows the other laws of the universe aspect of Aurora Moon mean that, for instance, if someone functioning under Firefrog attempts to inflict harm despite ImDead1ns1de, Aurora Moon will have no effect because the harm-inflicting would be breaking the other laws of the universe?"
    Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    Probably, yeah. it's like wishing to be the richest person in the world, everyone wishes for that all the time so it's impoossible to stay the richest one for very long. so it cancels itself out.
    Andre Chaos
    Andre Chaos
    Thanks. My list is growing, but it looks a lot more stable and down to Earth.

    Edit: Also, I should probably let you see how list looking now.
    hey @Aurora Moon i wanted to get your permision for something

    basically i would create a thread for all my omakes of "Life's a crapshoot" and going updating it every time i publish one.

    and i want permision as that is your world.

    also, wawnted to ask if you will make the "Contest of power" Worm version with Emma and Taylor?
    Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    you can make your own thread if you want. :) just link back to my story for those who are curious. and for as the emma/taylor one... maybe later when I finish one of my stories.
    so, just wanted to inform you that I'm writing a new quest and I would like your opinion?

    i marked your name in the info thread but just informing you here.
    Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    Great, just currently relaxing and eating right now. reading a few fanfics now.
    and doing some quests too, of course. XD
    nice, im watching a faorite spanish (Latin-American) talking youtuber called DustMan play theathrhymh fnal bar line
    I will just say this, as someone who formerly supported the less savory right wing beliefs 10 years ago because how things were going in the pop culture world. Sometimes being told repeatedly by people you know how evil it is to reconsider and embrace the left and their ideals fully. Even if it meant getting mocked or heavily downvotes in some communities who thinks being woke is bad.
    Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    I'm not anti-woke. I'm mostly anti-writing woke themes badly and half-assedly. I just hate how the TV shows don't seem genuine when tackling the themes. I'm the person who goes: "No no you're doing it all wrong! you're not gonna reach everyone's hearts and change minds that way!"
    Hey @Aurora Moon what do You though of the ending of The Owl House?

    It was pretty sailor Moon right?
    Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    I actually haven't watched owl house yet. ^^;;

    jokes aside, i recommend it, nice, with good lessons and really well though, like ducktales (2007) gravity falls, amphibian and big hero 6 they are incredible shows disney had made in the last decade.

    even more because it evens has the first main character children series lesbian couple, luz and amity are perfect for each other, it mixes well drama and comedy
    Currently sick AF right now. cold hit me like a mack truck. -_-
    woao, thats bad.


    or something better?

    also, it gives you time to see shows you normally would have problems seeing, like the owl house last episode this 8

    also, is worrying that they chose to air owl house end episode in the end of holy week?
    Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    just a cold.
    not a lot to say @Aurora Moon but this will make you laugh

    Legendarily Popular - Pokémon

    In Icirrus a couple of days later, once Brycen had got his Ice Beam down – not that he was reconciled to the fact he could now fire beams of ice out of his hands, and occasionally pinched himself to make sure he was awake – Ash challenged him to a proper battle. "Are you sure?" Brycen checked...

    a good reference using cheat pokemon to Sailor Moon
    so? what do you think of the referennce?
    Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    what can I say? it was funny.
    any chance you could use a bit more from 76 in your fallout story? in particular the Friendly Mothmen?
    Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    unfortunately in my story, I had everything in West Virginia be overtaken by the scorched plague to the point that the descendants of vault 76 had to effectively nuke the whole state on a cellar level using both the geck and camp together.
    Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    although, who's to say that the scientists in the group didn't have pristine bottled mothman DNA given to them by their ancestors?
    Fair enough.
    Plus, well, the mothmen Can fly and tell the future.
    the scorched plague and the nuke are pretty disastrous, so Wise Mothman going "Ok everyone, time to Leave" is totally in character.
    would probably make them a bit more cautious though.
    hi @Aurora Moon, did you ad a good valentaines day?

    also, sorry for annoying you in the crapshot thread
    Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    yeah, spent it with my boyfriend and family. which was why I wasn't responding much.

    as for updates on anything... I write whatever my muse is interested in, so sometimes my other stories will get updates first before the other ones do.
    so, I been wondering: can we hope for a new story from you, and if so what would it be?

    if we can do suggestions, please wiki warrior MHA Character (imagine Uraraka or Izuku with a wiki warrior quirk)
    Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    I really want to try finishing all my current stories first.
    Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    oh wow, I did not know that. I'm kinda flattered they took the time to translate something of mine. kinda makes me feel bad since I haven't updated that story in a while. it's been on hiatus as my muse keeps on running off with new ideas instead of letting me work on my main ones. =\
    Comrade Future
    Comrade Future
    I don't think you need to worry - the "author" obviously enjoys translating Worm fanfiction.
    To those following me, just know that I probably won't be updating my fanfics for a while due to going under surgery tomorrow for breathing and sleeping problems. The fact that this had to take place during Christmas month... ugh.
    Hey aurora Moon has to male a question, what happens to your magical girl Taylor story? Is officially dead?
    Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    my muse likes to rotate around stories depending on what it feels inspired by. so I say never offically dead, because I don't know for sure if my muse will come back to it one day.
    It's probably a little late for this, but I'm compelled to point out that Hancock isn't pre-War. He just took weird drugs and became a ghoul. Mayor McDonough is literally his brother.
    Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    I see you haven't read that far in my Nukagirl fanfic or else you'd find out that Hancock was playing a prank on Piper and Nick went along with it to teach Piper a lesson about making assumptions based on somebody's looks. XD
    In my fanfic Piper wasn't that close to Hancock so she didn't know everything about him.
    If you were going for something like that, I think you should have either kept it out of the narration, or opened in third person limited following Piper.

    Instead, the chapter opens in what seems to be third person omniscient and coasts along like that for a while, and by the time it shifts to narrating about Piper, that just seems like one of many possible characters to follow, as TPO is wont to do.
    And yep, I bounced right off after the third mention since it wasn't part of the AU warnings (for now obvious reasons).
    I can help but express my wonder when it comes to yourself. Every other story i find, you are in the posts. Truly fascinating, you have my respect.
    Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    Hehe, it's like the tag under my avatar says. Insomniac with too much time on her hands. so I read a lot of fanfics. I find that sometimes it's the only way I can fall asleep eventually.
    I don't know why I care so much about getting a silly meow tag on my story. But I really do and that made my evening. So thank you for that and glad you like the story.
    In My Shining Plumbob, several times you call Panacea "Panceca." Apparently that means "pancake"? You should totally make her dress up as Pancake Bunny to fit with her new name.
    Aurora Moon
    Aurora Moon
    Whoops. Have to fix that error one of those days.
    And if Taylor were smart, she'd buy up a few landfills to boost her simoleon budget. Using her power to install a mega-sized carnival claw machine to shovel refuse into an extra large NanoCan would be a great investment, as well.
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