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  • I just finished reading Deep Red and I wanted to thank you for the incredible story. Deep Red is one of the best stories I've read online and the way you handled the conflicting choices of the voters to create the complex and cohesive character of Akane was amazing and inspired me on how to handle characterization in my own stories.
    If you ever post your writings again I hope to have the pleasure of reading them. I hope life is treating you well and wish you the best of luck.
    Hey, how's it going? Are things better for you?
    Been really enjoying Deep Red and 420 for a long time, as I said in the latter once you have a singular talent for writing poweful emotions. Still in the process of catching up again to both, which has taken me some time - the drawback of being a prolific writer I suppose.
    Sidenote, have you considered posting your non-DR stuff over on QQ? It'd fit right in, and from what I've heard you've been happy at the feedback you got here on SV.
    Just wanted to stop by and congratulate you on the writing in deep red. It's deeply rare to find any good avatar fanfiction; finding one this large and is even rarer, and OC centric fanfiction is almost always shit. I feel like I should be buying a lottery ticket after finding this lol. Thanks a bunch for sharing it!
    Hey, I thought the writing in Deep Red was really incredible. The fact that you wrote it live is mind boggling. I'm confident that whatever you write will be excellent. Wether with new projects or continuing DR, I wish you all the best.
    Keep up the amazing work and try not to stress too much, you probably get that a lot but I just wanted to send my support over too :p!
    Deep Red is a very good piece of work. Please don't stress too much over the controversy in the comments.
    Pretty insanely good writing you have in Deep Red. Please don't take my negative comments as negative of you, I just tend to get emotionally hurt when I get sucked too deep into quest and wham shit like recently happens...plus I'm a sucker for happy things with people in the midst of hardship. And in general. So please, keep up the great work.
    Thanks so much! I hope you like how it turns out!
    Recently discovered Deep Red, instantly became one of my favorites. Love your character building. Please continue to post more amazing content.
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