• Hey. I quite like If The Ring Fits, and I lack a Spacebattles account, so I guess I'll just respond here. I assume that's alright?
    Also, going by Superman's ice breath, do you think maybe his shamanism thing had an unusual (alien) twist of religion to it, originating from a model that called sunlight 'Rao's gaze' and cold winds 'Rao's breath'? (If so, do you think it was desert or tundra that gave rise to that religion?)
    I really like the idea that Superman's powers are magical, and largely come from being one of the small handful of powerful channelers tapping Sol, instead of billions or trillions. Ooh, and that could be why Rao exploded well before its time, too. Krypton could have been equivalent to turn-of-next-century Earth, but they hadn't spent enough on spaceships, because it /had/ been that almost everyone could fly.
    "Ridiculous, Jor-El! All our readings say Rao is predicted to live millions of years yet!" "I tell you, Science Council, we're close to the danger line. Gods were not evolved for blessing trillions of followers to this degree."
    (Although Jor-El actually being sort of a doomsday nut who severely understated the likelihood of Krypton surviving would work too.)
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