Tale Swapper

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  • umm, hi, i just wanted to ask if you could see the quest m writing and tell me your opinion/join?


    A war for freedom (Worm semi-original Alt Power Taylor) Mature

    this is my second attempt at a quest, which failed the last time. so here it is. this quest is Inspired by @Levelgap Unknown Heroine Quest and @SeerKing snip "a breath of fresh air" from his https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12049959/15/SeerKing-s-Asylum-for-Plot-Bunnies-That-Won-t-Stop-Bugging-Me...
    hey, just wanted to say i really enjoyed Story of a Tavern. it was a fun quest to read. the rising of the shield heroine is really fun too. thanks!
    I normally don't ask about updates. Stories update when they update. But with Xenoblade 3 coming out this year I thought I'd ask if it's going to have any impact on Driver being updated? I love your work by the way. Your a great writer.
    Any progress on "A Simple Soul on Silver Wings"?
    Tale Swapper
    Tale Swapper
    Limited. I got distracted by other things. Like my new quest!
    ...though since you asked, I probably could finish up the chapter i was working on. Give me a few months. (hopefully less)
    Hoping that you will continue Simple Soul but I can understand getting caught up in new stories and all.
    I was doing a reread of your Worm/Wearing the Cape quest and wanted to say I hope it finds it's way back to life, if was fun and the crossover was super exciting
    I guess I am waiting for you to make an interlude from Allie's perspective.
    Tale Swapper
    Tale Swapper
    Allie is very open with her emotions and thoughts. So long as she's tied into the system, there's little to no point in having an interlude from her perspective.
    Right, sorry.
    I just liked the idea of following her as she pocks at the more obscure parts of the chain the Gamer system used to obtain real dollars bills for Taylor.
    I like your Shield Heroine story. But I will stop reading it for now, 'cause I cannot stand stat points being left for no good reason. Looked at the latest chapter, and there are 36 just sitting there being ignored.
    You mentioned in the shield hero friend insert thread that you had already written up to chapter 11, do you plan on posting those or have you discontinued the fic for some reason?
    Tale Swapper
    Tale Swapper
    Not discontinued. My co-writer is taking a break from that story. I'll ask if he's okay with me eating into our buffer.
    Up to you I wouldn't mind a update myself ( I just got done reading my fifth reread of it and came looking on your profile page 4 News) i enjoy the heck out of your stories, but I'm not going to beg you to update you update when you update and not a second sooner
    Do, you still write? i miss your stuff
    Tale Swapper
    Tale Swapper
    I do write... when I'm not preoccupied. I've been a bit busy during the last year, and I've been more focused on my job and reading stuff rather than writing. I still have ideas, they just don't get out there. My apologies.
    nah man, you dont got to apologize! 2020 was rough. take your time
    Do you still write at all? I miss your works, they were fun.

    Also your avatar always makes me think of little red riding hood for some reason...
    Tale Swapper
    Tale Swapper
    Of course I still write! I'm currently working on a collaborative story with two other writers, and I'm not publishing them from my account.
    Find it here. Fate/Online Mature
    What DxD fanfic were you reading that you referenced in the Hive Daughter thread? Sounds interesting.
    Tale Swapper
    Tale Swapper
    It's an AU DxD recursive fanfic, Digital x Dragon. There's a continuation, called Devil Lover's Chronicle by a separate author. You can find them both on FanFiction.net
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