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  • Hey, I'm still alive. I'm considering making a new quest, however said quest is much too fast paced for how I've handled votes in the past, and the last time I tried quick votes people got mad because they couldn't vote. So, here is my challenge to you. Can anyone give some tips for how to make a quick-paced quest with quick votes, other than moving to another site? Any advice will be appreciated.
    You give them 5 days maybe... At least that's how I've saw some quests do that
    I looked at installation quest and I think it died due to lack of descriptions in the turn results and burnout as the GM can you confirm this I like the Warhammer quest by the feels like it will go better
    Dead quest? I don't see one...
    it seems a bit barren and I wish there was more dialogue in the turn results
    Rended Space
    Rended Space
    Is installation still continuing?
    I really hope I'm not overstepping my bounds, so forgive me but do you think you could advance the story in Cantankerous Droids? Or introduce the remaining players? We've hit a dead end.
    My headcanon is that Dinesh was kidnapped by time-traveling aliens who experimented on him and dropped him off at the same time he left, just not the same place
    Rended Space
    Rended Space
    Maybe the driver is a off duty shipgirl with rockets strapped to her...seems like something a kanmusa would do
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