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  • So what was one omake has become two possibly three now... I have done some rewrites and am now trying to figure out how to restructure things. I realized that having everything I wanted in one just wasn't going to work so I scraped the initial draft. I swear I will get back to the thread once I get this sorted out.
    At your leisure, this is a 'fun-time' activity not a collegiate writing assignment :V . (Believe me, I understand having no brakes, at least none my muse has ever shared the location of...)

    I am a horrid person as I anxiously await the fruits of your suffering. The 'finest of meals' is still a favored omake to date.
    Mammoth Apostate vs the world". A mixture of cosmic horror ala "Cabin in the woods"/"The Mist" meets "Pacific Rim" is live
    Note: I'm interested in the quest you mentioned in the Cosmic Horror & Religion thread.
    This counts as a note of interest, right?
    It does indeed, you will be notified when I take it 'live'.
    If your gonna fight, fight like your the third monkey on the ramp to Noahs Ark... And Brother it is starting to rain.
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