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  • Hi! I'm sorry to be a bother, but I was curious as to the future of A Marked Worm? I just got done with it again, and it felt shorter than I remembered, so i'm a little eager to see another chapter.
    Well...unfortunately, it looks like A Marked Worm is going to be yet another casualty of my pseudo-ADHD, and at the moment it seems unlikely I'll be continuing it in the near future, if at all. Right now, I'm scrambling to recover from F@CKING IRMA, deal with classes again, playing Destiny 2, and trying to kick-start my own original fiction stuff, and I've recently grown somewhat disillusion with Worm and Worm-fics.
    Whole enemy team quit the third time. But it was kinda their fault, letting me get away with it.
    Took their flag, ported to the half point and walked it the rest of the way. Three times in a row.
    Just did a horrible thing in Overwatch. Played as Reaper in a CTF match. Just walked into the enemy base, killing one or two along the way.
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