M M macdjord Jul 13, 2019 Are you doing any work on Silencio these days? I'm loving Newspaper Mama and all, but... it's not The Mime.
Are you doing any work on Silencio these days? I'm loving Newspaper Mama and all, but... it's not The Mime.
DeviantD Nov 7, 2018 My Current story "Newspaper Mama", is now available here. https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/newspaper-mama-worm-si.51398/
My Current story "Newspaper Mama", is now available here. https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/newspaper-mama-worm-si.51398/
G G goku90504 Dec 3, 2017 just finished silenco and loved it though why do so many authors split up their stories into multiple threads like that ?
just finished silenco and loved it though why do so many authors split up their stories into multiple threads like that ?
Archeo Lumiere Aug 23, 2016 Hey, will Silencio live again? Can we truly see if Purity will not go back from Black?
DeviantD Apr 9, 2016 Bam! Actual stuff has been written, though new fic. https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/the-good-hunters-journal-bloodborne.28018
Bam! Actual stuff has been written, though new fic. https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/the-good-hunters-journal-bloodborne.28018
Fencer Mar 17, 2016 Thank you for the like bombing! Your work was some of the first to get me interested in fanfiction
WhoAmEye Nov 25, 2015 Thanks for the likebombs! *is totally internally squee-ing at the thought that the writer of Silencio enjoys her work*
Thanks for the likebombs! *is totally internally squee-ing at the thought that the writer of Silencio enjoys her work*
DeviantD Jan 18, 2015 Meds are helping depression. Inspiration for Silencio still zilch. Started a SFW mystery quest on QQ - "Atelophobia" if you're interested.
Meds are helping depression. Inspiration for Silencio still zilch. Started a SFW mystery quest on QQ - "Atelophobia" if you're interested.