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  • Hello good sir. I remember you enjoying the Mallus Compliance a lot during the Settra arc.
    I found myself feeling surprised not to see your reaction to the Norsca Campaign since I it would have had everything that attracted you to the story.
    Do you intend to return? If not it's no big deal of course as this website is full of high-quality content of other sorts but I am curious.
    Box Lunch
    There really is no kind way to say it, so I've been relatively silent. I can't put a lot of effort in right now. Your story is worthy, but I am in no condition to do more than follow along.
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    I do not think you have said anything remotely unkind. A worthwhile note is that I always think taking care of yourself should be more important than games, no matter how high quality or important they may be.
    I appreciate the praise for the vignettes I've created to compliment the main quest although, yes I do understand true helpful analysis is much more difficult to devote one-selfs too.
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    I admit I had not the self-confidence to think of them as proper stories in truth! To me, they were merely fumbling attempting to flesh out hypotheticals that I thought were poorly explored and might be of value.
    Thank you dearly for taking the time to respond as kindly as you did!
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