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  • I lack the words to express how weirdly proud I am that my throwaway joke was immortalized in your title and avatar. Thank you, really.
    I have no idea what you're talking about. They've always been like that, yes-yes? :V
    seriously though, i was about to forget about it when I realized I really do think like a Skaven sometimes, and—aside from the constant backstabbing and utter evil—kind of respect them. I mean, they're the most technologically advanced, most cunning, and most sneaky race in existence. A good Skaven, to be entirely honest, would be my ideal role model.
    I do hope we come across a litter of baby Skaven at some point so we can pass them on to the Grey Order to raise. They'd be adorable, excellent infiltrators of Skaven settlements, would really piss off the Horned Rat, and long-term having a population of friendly Skaven is the only way for them not to go extinct when the Underempire is finally destroyed.
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