• I don't remember seeing a clone trooper helmet with those colors before. What's it from, the new season?
    wow i kept meaning to reply to this and forgetting. like, four times. i don't know where it is exactly, but it's Appo on Umbara in the original Clone Wars run. I actually had to go check because there's an almost identical shot with him from Episode 3, but it's Umbara.
    earthquake in the east bay. just a bit of a shaker. fun jumping on twitter afterwards and seeing the thousands of tweets about it in the first 20 secs.
    I finally caught up to the end of the divided loyalties hiatus, and...250 pages to go. people are actually posting faster than I can read. humbling. edit: also, no I can't not read discussion. that's against the law.
    considering starting a "war crimes megathread" considering the michael behenna and chief gallagher stories. fuck, man.
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