• Hi there! Always happy to see more people reading Persona: The Beautiful. I was curious about your thoughts so far?
    I really like it! I think that you're idea of simplifying the votes and not doing things day by day was a great idea, and that things started flowing a lot better after you did it. It's actually an interesting experience reading things in story mode, and not getting a lot of the mechanics information and discussion, because the story holds together without it.
    Hey there :) Seeing that you're reading the HP quest right now. I'm always trying to learn from readers, so kindly leave a Review of your reading experiences at the end! (Highs, Lows, What you felt, what you think of the characters, where you think the story is heading etc.)

    I can only improve through better understanding of how writing influences the reader. Thanks :)
    Of course.

    "I hope that I am now worthy of being a ghost to Ravenclaw." was magnificient.
    So, I noticed that you had liked a bunch of my stuff in the Exalted thread, so I went to check on you.
    And then I saw the profile pic and now I'm fucking intimidated by a damn elephant.

    I'll follow you to placate the elephant, since it seems to demand my supplication.
    *Indivisible will remember this.*
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