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  • sorry for prying, but I was curious whether or not it's your intention to continue Remedial Survival?
    Sorry I'm only responding to this now, I didn't see it until I went through all my notifications just now. Unfortunately, I can only answer maybe. I burned out on the story at around the same time I was having an anxiety spiral for other reasons. Those are better now, but I'm out of the groove when it comes to writing it and I'm not sure when or if I'll get back into it.
    Randino Treviani
    Randino Treviani
    I don't mind the wait.

    Thats understandable. I'll just have to hope you find your muse for it again somewhere down the line.

    Good luck with your crossover, and have a nice day.
    I changed one of my posts in the Hyuga Affair. You may want to take a second look to see if you still like it.
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