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  • Hmm I wasn't sure where to ask this I know I could have done it in it's own story thread but I didn't want to cause a commotion by doing that. Anyway what I wanted to ask was about Overhaul what are the specific and exact reasons why they disliked Ritsuka? It was only really hinted at in story but I'm rather curious.
    They don't dislike Ritsuka. They actually like Ritsuka enough to give him a pass. What they dislike is the master-servant system. As she explained to Gilgamesh people look at heroes and never see them as heights they can aspire to, being content in their mediocrity as long as they get the high of commanding them through command seals, as if those could allow them to touch glory with their worthless fingers.
    Ah thanks I was just curious given some of their interactions and thoughts in the story.
    Overhaul is that uber-dangerous servant that would be the ruin of most masters from the get-go in most Grail Wars. Ritsuka just has to endure some teasing and dumbassery. Plus, Overhaul has a dim view of the whole 'purity' thing that Mash is subjected to, so she likes to rile her up by flirting with Ritsuga in front of her.
    Bruno you alright? We all worried about you.
    I already answered back there. I am fine. Had some problems with my father needing surgery and had to take some extra jobs to get the money but things have been settled and I can calm down now. Thanks for the concern man!
    Hey BrunofanofK, I'm working on that power for Lt. ouroumov's mod of the interactive Worm cyoa based on your version of Age of Will Humans and I'm about halfway done with it, but while I was making a list of everything that aowh's can do while planning the powers description I got confused on a couple points so if it's not too much to ask could you answer a few questions?
    (Question A is the one of the current batch of questions whose answer I'd expect to have significant impact on how I'd write the power so I'm gonna repost it after this post just in case the website's glitched or something)
    (repost) A. What does Dreams for the Stars (Origin) do exactly? because all that I managed to determine after looking at it's wiki page was that it gave a significant but hard to quantify morale buff but unless it's a particularly strong buff it feels like I'm missing something.
    sorry for all the questions 😅, thanks in advance for answering.
    Hey BrunofanofK, I'm a member of the discord for Lt. ouroumov's version of the interactive worm cyoa & since the author of the cyoa is allowing new community submissions again me and another member were wondering if it'd be okay if we added an upgrade for some of the cyoa's type-moon based powers that turns the player into one of your fanfic's Age of Will Humans?
    Ok, go ahead. I am honored people liked it enough to write their own stories. I am working in the next chapter as we speak. it just take a long time due to how plot-heavy it is.
    I figure asking here will work better while your post was great it didn't really answer quite what I wanted or maybe it just flew over my head I don't play any of the fate games or go looking to much into the series lore because I find it a hot mess. Anyway what I want to now is can A-rays still have kids like normal humans as well as the other methods you mentioned?
    Well, yes. The same way divine spirits like Zeus somehow had kids. I just mentioned that they have many ways of procreation besides the 'entertaining ones'. Overhaul is quite capable of engaging in the act just out of pleasure due to the Lover Principle, which will actually be relevant since it gives a boost to both Tamamo and Gilgamesh.
    Thanks I wanted to know since it makes sense for them to be able too but with A-rays being there own microcosm I wasn't sure especially given how the A-rays of this universe came to be.
    If I were to be interested at times in sending you already posted chapters with the grammar cleaned up, strictly cleaned up, words fixed, punctuation corrected, nothing more; would you be interested?
    Just asking this again, not sure if you saw it?
    Sorry for the delay. I never saw your post until now. Are still interested?
    Why were you suspended?? Do they hate you or something??
    I am starting to think so. Someone really went rammy, claiming POISON, a year-old story, was the sexualization of minors because of the Hindu Lore of the Ckakras and the fact the main character starts as an infant, even though she recovers an adult body by 1/3 of the story. I managed to convince the moderator they were absurd affirmations but he still stated my story should have the Mature tag at least.
    I am appealing to see if I can unblock it, as this is time I could be using writing instead of dealing with administrators. I will be honest, my chances aren't good. I looked at the history of appeals and the people there hate reforming these decisions, are rabid American liberals and are drunk on micropower. I found two treads of moderators getting disciplinary action for flagging, it is a shitshow!
    I saw the ban issue on your fic what are the idiots who supposedly run this site doing? And are you ok?
    so did you discuss this with them cause I'm unsure you can continue posting if the issues not cleared up?
    I will simple wait, the bandoru link at least is within their rights. In 3 days I will finish next chapter too, since it will be longer than normal.
    I more meant the former stuff not the link and waiting is fine like some questions were asked in chat. But, nothing important and its not a live chat or something where all momentum can die during these things. But, for the other stuff I'm just curious if it was discussed because if it hasn't then presumably the problem can just pop up again.
    Why did you get kicked out of the thread??
    So, apparently, someone forgot their maths. The story starts at the end of part one. Both Mash and Ritsuka are most likely 18 by then and there isn't even any lewd content involving them. I have been banned for 72 hours. Also, people complain about Danbooru link.
    You should send a complain to the mods
    Is your POISON story on hiatus?
    sorry, the next chapter is almost complete, but personal businesses have being in my way. The worse part is that I have already planed a good few chapters ahead but don't have time to sit and writte it yet. Going to have more time after this monday, so I hope to publish next week.
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