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  • DRACIKRAL! I see you are liking some of my old aSWaH posts. Well aren't you just making me feel like a special snowflake!

    So tell me. What is us with you tonight, fellow human being, who has inherent value?
    Ah nothing much. I took a break from ASWAH for about two months, and I'm just catching up on about 1000 posts of discussion. Let's just say it's a bit of a slog so far. Though I will say I did not expect to be notified that someone actually noticed, that I liked their posts,so I'm pleasantly surprised
    Well, of course I noticed! I get alerts when someone rates my posts.

    Still, I'm glad something I posted a long time ago was able to bring joy or amusement to a fellow human :).

    It raises my view of my own self worth, so thanks.

    Enjoy catching up! (I mean, it's a bit of big read yeah, but there is some good shit in there, tbh, I fell away after one if the bigger votes, and never got back in, RL stuff, ya know?)
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