Crusader Jerome

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  • I'm on mission to evangelize other Catholics, starting today, and will not be back on the site before 15 May 2022 at the earliest.
    Dropping off the internet as an ascetic practice for Lent. I hope to be back around Easter, with a story update if I'm productive.
    Both your profile pic as well as your "My home away from Rome" are both hilarious.
    Crusader Jerome
    Crusader Jerome
    Thanks! I did a study abroad semester there in college, and, to some degree, I'm still Romesick.
    It is a wonderful city.
    You just had to mention me in the last post, didn't you? It's kind of rude, you know.
    Crusader Jerome
    Crusader Jerome
    Sorry, I didn't think you'd take it like that. I've removed that line from my post.
    Sorry. Let's just say I had a similar issue on SpaceBattles with someone else, so you know how that goes.
    Fun fact: the SV PMMM fanfic discussion thread died within three posts of my last interaction there. It's been over a year since. RIP thread
    I´m sure suffiencient necromancy can save it.

    Never give up. Never surrender.

    And punt me a link, will ya.
    Crusader Jerome
    Crusader Jerome
    PMMM Idea Thread

    (Too late--somebody revived it seven days after I posted this :p)
    In response to your request to be a beta reader for The King and I, I will gladly accept if you decide to assist.
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