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  • I don't know how to ask this without sounding rude but should I assume that anything they has not been updated in 3 months is cancelled? Guardian of the Republic I was getting into (in the middle of chapter 4) but than I realized it might not ever get updated again and I don't know if I want to read through the rest of it if I'm going to be left on a cliffhanger forever.
    Guardian of the Republic, alongside Aurigan Sentinels, is one of the projects I intended to return to someday. Unfortunately, getting my muse and motivation to cooperate has proven difficult so while I wish otherwise, I cannot promise any updates on it.
    That's fair I should just be glad it exists at all really. It's not like I paid for it. Also because I probably won't remember to say this later. Happy early birthday?!
    As an update, Guardian of the Republic is going to be my NaNoWriMo project for this year.
    Just binged your Jango Fett quest, it's pretty good but was he really in charge of anything but training the clones?
    Also I find killing of main characters that easily and anticlimatically unrealistic, the Force is literally plot armor that says no important character can die lamely.
    Fellow Human
    Fellow Human
    In other words, danger sense would've saved them, Palpatine ain't stupid and wouldn't even let guards who hate him remain guards, let alone be killed by these mooks.
    Hey, this is out of the blue but I was just remembering stuff and when my memory went over you I got happier. You're a cool dude and I'm glad to have played a game with you. That's all I wanted to say.
    Hey man, in chronicles of nations you made a small error. Toward your description of the catseyes you started to replace the name "cateyes" with "catsclaws". It is toward the end of that section and should be easy to find. Just a heads up.
    My cousin just died tonight. She was just barely over half my age. She didn't deserve to die so young.
    My condolences, I hope your family gets through it. I presume the parents took it real bad?
    It was bad, but not as bad it could have been. The fact that it was the fourth brain tumour meant that they had become familiar with the possibility of their daughter dying so it wasn't as big a shock as it could have been. More resigned acceptance as far as I could tell and moving on after a few years of waiting to see if the brain tumours would get or not. Still a lot of tears and crying mind you.
    Ave Anathema
    Ave Anathema
    I am so sorry for your loss, may her soul rest in paradise
    So your here now. Well if your interested I suggest you check out To Boldly Go by OneirosTheWriter if your into Star Trek. Other than that have fun on this site.
    Thank you for the welcome. I am actually in the process of reading To Boldly Go when I saw the alert for you message, but thanks for the recommendation.
    Oh hey, nice to see you here!
    Thank you. I'll be honest, I only joined up for Paths of Civilization. I've been lurking there since about May and yesterday a couple of people over on SB convinced me to actually get involved.
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