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  • finally back in the saddle! just wanted to wait out the initial wave of covid panic, it's really triggering for me so whoops
    i said this in the LGBT+ thread but if anyone versed in nonbinary genders could PM me to help me figure things out I'd super hella appreciate it
    A very merry Christmas to everyone! For those who's Christmas has been hard this year, like me: You're strong for sticking through it. Love.
    I think I'm finally gonna give up on AH.com and move to here entirely, honestly. Election games are not worth the toxic community.
    sv has 140 less characters than twitter smh fam how can i leave long pointless musings here in such a small space
    Serious answer, just in case: You can comment on your profile comments making a chain that way. Unrelated: I have no earthly idea why I am looking at your profile in the first place. *shrug*
    "I wonder why I left alternatehistory.com--ah yes because I write something and everyone hates it that's right"
    The fact that my most rated comment is some dumb hyperbolic thing I said in a political thread is so weird and I feel kinda bad
    I mean thanks for the sympathy but what I said was still dumb and kinda hug-bait. I regret saying it.
    If you're TooManyIdeas, then were's NotEnoughTime?
    Jokes aside, welcome to SV, I hope that you'll enjoy being a part of this fine internet community.
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