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  • im sorry if i dropped off, its december, you know how it is right? everything hits in december x.x
    ANyone interested in a discord server for my quests? (and to poke me when i disappear?)
    when multiple quests arent enough for your writing you just start writing straight fiction XD
    in that state where im not sure if i should be writing or not, but i'll give it a shot
    there is some dissonance between what quests i want to write, and which ones get attention, it seems. shame.
    You doing okay?
    oh hi... im not sure how i was doing in february anymore to be honest. I do want to write, just a bit...dirfty...with my attention i guess
    mostly, im stressing about things in real life...and that stress tires me out. It takes a lot my energy to read previous posts and writing up an update than it does to throw a vote out into the void
    So this is my plan: Pyramids Update, Tree Update, Room Update, open votes for Pyramids
    And repeat, of course
    Have to pace myself, instead of diving into everything I can get my thumb into. Otherwise, Ill just get burn out again :/
    And Im back, and giving a last push for votes please.

    Also a notice : You may or may not recognise me as the QM of several small, and experimental, quests over the years...So despite my best efforts, I have come to the point of having to give a little soft notice to anyone that may want to play this or any of my other quests.

    I have Adhd, so it is very hard to stay on one hobby for long periods of time, sorry!
    Im back and Im dangerous. Life has thrown nonstop bullshit at me since August 2019. My bullshit bins are full, and I just want to do some writing
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