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  • Idle question: is there any reason you haven't joined the CMGQ discord yet? I think you're just about the only major thread poster who hasn't.
    Generally due to concerns of time, and also my aversion to social media.

    Also, my outdated* smartphone crapped out** on me this week, and I have yet to tune up the replacement.

    *Outdated - it has been designed to use SIM cards, not Micro-SIMs or Nano-SIMs.
    **Power button no longer works, and Recovery Mode, Factory Mode, or Volume button boot-up don't actually boot it up.
    Wait a minute.


    From Russia

    Faraway Russia

    Oh you sneaky git
    I'm not even hiding anything, it's right up there:
    Male, 30, from Ekaterinburg, Russia
    My final opinion on "Elder Bullshit in Exalted":
    The Great Contagion fucked up 90% of Creation, 70% of Dragon-Blooded (700 000), and next to nil Celestial Exalted.

    The Balorian Crusade fucked up all of Creation they managed to reach, 29 out of 30 Dragon-Blooded (290 000), and most Celestial Exalted who fought it, including Elders.

    The Realm Defense Grid fucked up the Balorian Crusade - and Scarlet Empress can activate it the moment she returns.
    If you don't expect to need to handle those kinds of threats in Exalted, it's your own damn fault.
    I know this is very late, but thanks for liking one if my posts about the military and TSAB.

    Do you have similar opinions?
    Note to self. Most of threads that were sent on SV over from SB, will be mostly identical till Jun.10, 2014.
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