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  • I hate your avatar. I say this both to be contrarian and because it's true. Kudos for confusing me for a solid ten seconds before my brain switched on and I finally remembered that I haven't used NoScript in literally years.
    I used to be a moderator for the NoScript forums, but I stopped using it back when Firefox nerfed all extensions. The avatar image lingers, though :D
    I just clicked on your profile to say I love your avatar, only to see that the last comment was me, saying I love your avatar.
    I love your avatar.
    Heh. I actually haven't been involved with the NoScript extension for years now. I do use content blockers, but usually uMatrix. Maybe I should change it to a smile key?
    Okay, I see what you mean, but I thought it was more of a reference to his personality than just something obvious that HJPEV pointed out.
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