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  • Which action would you like to put your Omake bonus into?
    Worshiping Khaine by the side of the Road feels the most appropriate here given the subject matter of the Omake. But if it's a crit with the natural modifiers, then I'd shift it to Light magic instead.

    Hope that's fine with you!
    Hey there! And Happy belated birthday.

    Do you remember my Angelic Resonance fic? Becuase some new chapters were released since you last read it. Hope you like them.
    btw if Ono did witch, and I feel that'd be extremely implausible without some kind of chance to avert it, it wouldn't be the kind of thing where we could just set up a set of [x]subvotes and sweep it under the rug. It'd be a major emergency that we'd need our own vote to deal with.
    If Ono is scheduled to witch, I fully agree that it's a major crisis - both on a Meta level, but probably even IC for Sabrina. A wrong decision could lead to the worse case scenario - the Mami witchbomb.
    Anyway, it seems your vote is going to win. Which means if we don't go on the Witch Hunt, we'd only find out in the morning. If we did go on the Witch Hunt, and Ono is about to Witch out during the Hunt, then we have a potential emergency.
    We'd have plenty of warning if it was happening- and honestly I don't feel it's likely enough to base our plans around- and if it did, we'd have a problem serious enough that we'd need to put everything else on hold to deal with it anyway.
    Welcome to PMAS! Don't mind the occasional random essay or multi-page tangent, and enjoy the microwaved tea. :p
    (=. I do have the tendency to write random, spontaneous essays myself.
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