Mirriam Grave

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  • Just got hit by a car while crossing the street. What fun...
    Just gonna rifle through your stories... Hmm... Hope you're okay, and that the joke the first sentence was isn't too tasteless. Edit: Damn, you ain't got any stories on you! XD No lingering issues from getting hit though?
    Mirriam Grave
    Mirriam Grave
    My Stories are sadly on FF. Well, the ones I ever bothered actually typing. XD
    And yeah, no permanent damage from the hit and run.
    The docs STILL don't understand how that happened considering I practically flew almost ten feet while spinning like a top according to those who saw me get hit.
    That's definitely a good thing. Breaking bones can lead to arthritic pains later in life. Or so I've been lead to believe. I've never broken any myself, being one of the lucky ones.
    What TaylorXMissy fics are out there???
    Mirriam Grave
    Mirriam Grave
    Outside of QQ's NSFW section and Archive of Our Own's? None. For some reason people are against a 13 and 15 year old getting together... but not 15 and 17, or 15 and 19, or 15 and anything above that.
    Inside those? Porn Without Plot
    Granted QQ has one that is Porn WITH Plot that was actually pretty damn good... but it has been dead for awhile. It was a Male!Taylor with Missy.
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