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  • This is me writing on the verge of sleep, but I just binged Fears and Lies Melt Away.
    Have you considered continuing it? Or is it permanent ded?
    I have considered continuing it, I was so close to the end it feels like a shame not to, just need to Remember where I was going with it.
    That was bad and you should feel bad.
    First thought is to reread some of it, see if that knocks something loose. (Usually works for me.) If not, it might give you ideas on where to take it instead.
    Have you seen the new info from the South American Lost Belt? Safe to say it's a dozy, I'll spoiler the biggest mind screw.
    Marisbury Set it all up, The End of the World Discovery was caused by Goetia moving to prevent his Human Order Revision Plan,
    Yo, just thought I'd check in and give some well wishes, you've been posting a bit less so hope you're all right.
    I know every story isn't for everyone. The problem is once I get an idea in my head, I have to at least get a chapter our before I can focus on anything else.

    It'll definitely be fun writing an Izuku whose an even bigger Terror Hero than the one from Bloodstained, though.
    Don't get me wrong, MHA is pretty good, but it seems that's all anyone is working on at the moment, makes things a bit repetitive for a fandom I'm only moderately enjoy. Meanwhile, no one wants to update their RWBY fics, so I'm just rereading my list of them, your's just so happen to be some of my favorites so I started with them ^-^,
    Yeah, I know I'm disappointing my long time fans, but after four straight years of writing for RWBY, I decided to take a break in between seasons for a bit and work on another franchise.
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