K K kitsune9 Jul 5, 2019 I saw In holding out for a hero that you were updating a pokemon quest would that be catching victory by any chance?
I saw In holding out for a hero that you were updating a pokemon quest would that be catching victory by any chance?
Agent 99 Feb 2, 2019 Has anyone else come up with an entire song in a dream but when you woke up, you could only remember like 3 or 4 lines?
Has anyone else come up with an entire song in a dream but when you woke up, you could only remember like 3 or 4 lines?
Agent 99 Sep 1, 2018 Well, after nearly a year, I'm back in my hometown. It... feels weird being back.
Agent 99 May 30, 2018 I think I saw a guy fail a half a dozen SAN checks over the course of a day. I just wish I didn't have to sit next to him at work.
I think I saw a guy fail a half a dozen SAN checks over the course of a day. I just wish I didn't have to sit next to him at work.
Agent 99 Feb 3, 2018 I made my three friends moving. Then I found out that one of them was a "skeptic" when it comes to whether the Earth is round. Now I have 2.
I made my three friends moving. Then I found out that one of them was a "skeptic" when it comes to whether the Earth is round. Now I have 2.
Agent 99 Feb 26, 2017 In early 2016, I said that if 2015 was a man, he'd be cued for causing pain, suffering, and lost wages. 2016 exceeded that.
In early 2016, I said that if 2015 was a man, he'd be cued for causing pain, suffering, and lost wages. 2016 exceeded that.
Insufficient Dakka Sep 6, 2016 I can tell that's a rabbit, but I'm not quite sure what that box behind it is supposed to be, if it's anything specific.
I can tell that's a rabbit, but I'm not quite sure what that box behind it is supposed to be, if it's anything specific.
Agent 99 Feb 7, 2016 Watching Superbowl commercials. That Dog/Monkey/Baby thing will haunt my dreams for weeks.
Agent 99 Jan 3, 2016 If 2015 was a man, he would be sued for causing pain, suffering, and lost wages.
Agent 99 Dec 26, 2015 It's official. I'm a college graduate. They can't take my degree away from me now.
Demonic Spoon Oct 1, 2015 I like your new avatar even though I have no idea what the democratization of fear would actually entail.
I like your new avatar even though I have no idea what the democratization of fear would actually entail.