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  • I'm also sorry that, well. I mean, how it ended. If someone had tallied the vote even a minute earlier, it would have gone differently...

    I hope there aren't any hard feelings about the tiebreaker? I was really willing to do either, as conflicted as I was in both directions.
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    I hope you'll enjoy the new Quest, then. I hope everyone will. I'm already getting a little bit of nerves, but I hope that...I can do well.
    From what I've read of your work - mostly KCS, but I've read a bit of your other stuff, including the now-defunct space-bug empire quest - and you seem to tend towards a higher level of quality than most. I wouldn't be to worried about it. You'll do fine.
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    Man, I'm sad that Quest fell apart :(
    Sorry, I probably shouldn't have commented on the results of the vote. Your vote is very good, don't worry. Like, I have good feelings about it, I was just surprised it won. Wasn't meaning to start a b ig argument or anything, or come off as insulting to you.
    Wasn't insulted. It was more along the lines of confusion, as I couldn't see the logic on why the whistle would be the "correct" solution to the problem, insofar as such a problem has a single solution at all. I'm still a bit hazy on it, but knowing it was a piece of natural talecrafting does help explain things.
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