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  • Ohhey, we share the same birthday it seems. Happy belated. Mostly came by to see if there was any indication if you were going to continue certain projects (Admittedly, mostly DIRTT) but that's fairly irrelevant by comparison, most would say! :D
    Y'know, I have read DIRTT and posted a few times, but I would like to tell you your sense of humor is really what gives its charm.

    Slightly morbid, your sense of humor works.

    I know you also use your writing to deal with things, so your writing really connects us with the characters, and I am very grateful you decided to write. We do enjoy your existence!

    Thank you! May you find the inner peace you chase!
    I just started reading Doing It Right... Excellent story so far (one chapter in...) but the "tabs" are a bit peculiar. I imagine you didn't want to know this, but it really breaks on screens that are less wide like mine.

    What was the reason for using tabs at all?
    Because I'm old-fashioned and format my stuff like it's going to be printed. Sorry.
    That is actually a valid reason, and I complain all the time about the annoyance of trying to maintain proper formatting on the Internet (and worse, if on a mobile device...).
    It's just that it's a terrible workaround. :)
    A crab wearing a pancake as a hat! What sorcery is this?
    Damn it, I can never un-see that now you've said it. And I'm not even sure who drew it, it just came up when I posted in a "suggest someone a new avatar" thread and seemed less silly than a picture of Jake Sisko.
    Czlyydwr Llrngwl
    Czlyydwr Llrngwl
    Here, I'll halp. With butter and some delicious maple syrup!

    Halping, yay! :D
    Would it be alright if I tagged CG@F with "tsundere sharks"? The line is sitting right there.
    Knock yourself out, buddy.
    Any recommendations for writing Fenspace stuff?
    Spend a lot of time browsing the wiki and the forums, read as much of the other fiction as possible and bounce some ideas off the people who've been working on it for a long time.
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