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  • Ah, the Fenhuang Feather & Unknown Metal are still in the list of reagents we have up front in your Kislev quest.
    how on earth are you running three quests at one i am shocked that only one looks like its flagging its quite amazing really
    The existential pain of being divided between introducing my High Elf homebrew in some manner in An Empire Long Divided vs. saving it for actually doing High Elf Quest

    Well, you've included elements from Empire Long Divided (at least obliquely/the alternate timeline version, considering that the timeline for the two otherwise doesn't match up) in Hearts as Cold as Ice, so nothing says you can't do both.
    The bigger issue would be keeping it something of a mystery in the Elf Quest, since I know I have a bad habit of oversharing when I get rolling. Like It's not so bad when it's already something canon but I would like there to be a certain amount of mystery, you know?
    By the way, what are your thoughts on Lyonesse being the land of fantasy Normandy? Infighting is less due to catty nobles doing game of thrones, but because the noble culture is more competitive and bellicose due to mixed norsii/brettoni heritage and a history of being a raiding target, especially by norscans and druchi.
    I have them set up similarly, though admittedly my preferred more 5eish tone makes it hard to go Full Norman.
    I actually have something now on my take on Bretonnia. Curious weather you think its good or rage inducing.
    Flaunting in this context really refers more to openly identifying as being a female while being a Knight, where it is most accepted in Carcassonne thanks to Estallian influence, which generally tampers down the further north you go. That part is supposed to show Cedric's prejudice against the idea, being a little less prejudiced than some, but not fully accepting of it.
    No, I got it, I just prefer the idea that at least the bulk of Bretonnia just really, honestly, doesn't see a problem with a woman being a knight openly? Partially attributable to the influence of the Damsels.
    Personally I prefer the gender roles being rigid to contrast with the egalitarian Kislev and the Empire, who are somewhere in between the two in terms of woman's standing with the men. And who says the damsels all agree what that standing should be?
    I know a new republic rising is dead but I must I say I enjoyed what I read. You left it at a very humorous moment with poor Tellus.
    Not that I mind, but may I ask why you started following me? I haven't seen you interact with me much.

    Also, Zomrade is Ollie, right?
    I accidentally fat fingered on mobile, sorry

    Yes, that's Ollie.
    hey I know you're busy with both the kislev and Estalia quests Which are great by the way but I was wondering if you have any plans to start any games set in any other places in Warhammer fantasy like for instance Cathay which is going to be featured in the new total warhammer or less used places for instance ind, Albion, Araby, or nippon
    So, uh, is A Force, Undying, dead?
    Fair enough, though would you mind telling me what was up with Ahsoka? After all those failed rolls to corner her, I am intensely curious.
    Alright. It's simple enough:

    She really, genuinely thought the war was a bad idea, because she had very intense "Late Clone Wars" flashbacks for a number of reasons. That's the short, simple, answer you would already know in universe, at least.
    Ah, thanks. I appreciate it, and that makes sense.
    Why are you mad about Dwarfs?
    Because they're boring, obnoxious, and have a dismal effect on the state of Fantasy fiction whenever they show up, except for Tolkien.
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