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  • Are you planning to continue Life Ore Death? Or is it dead?
    If I decide to declare it dead, I'll put up a list of plans and hanging plot threads that are unresolved.

    So it's not dead yet, but I have work and other writing projects and I'd probably need a time skip no matter what to get out of the grim hole I dug myself into.
    Hey, love your stories, could I ask if you have any tips for writing a character which has English as a foreign language like Renka in Life Ore Death? I find her way of speaking like her grammar mistakes or dropped words to be consistent in a way I find hard to do myself.
    Think back to some of the basic rules of English language you learned as a kid and then consistently break one or two of them, user very short and simple words for an adult's complex thoughts and sentences...
    Imagine you have to rewrite adult speech using a kindergartener's vocabulary. They know how to say "small" and "very small" and maybe they might know "tiny", but they don't know how to say "petite" or "microscopic" or "minuscule".
    Holy heck thanks for the fast reply, thanks dude
    How're things going in the world of Obloquy? You alright?
    I'm in a paralegal training program that's eating up time and energy, but I'm also learning a lot of interesting things.

    Thanks for asking. I hope you're doing well too!
    How are you doing Obloquy? Suffering from a case of Writer's Block with respect to LOD?
    Partly that, partly not knowing the method/style to use, and partly real life stuff getting in the way.

    Expect it back eventually, but probably not until the real world winds down all the tension a bit more.
    Hello Obloquy, just one quick question. I think of reading Life Ore Death, but i haven't yet read Mist Born, is there spoilers for the book?
    Yes, there are a lot of spoilers for the original Trilogy, so don't read LOD if you don't want to be spoiled.
    I just found IslandHopper's fantastic Reach Heaven Through Justice crossover fanfic and read that you've aided the author. Thank you so much! The current story has been incredibly satisfying and stands as an acclaim-worthy example of the source material's (Kill Six Billion Demons) setting. You rock!
    I just started reading Remedial Jedi Theology by MarbleGlove on archiveofourown (this one is safe for work). Just... the first chapter on how Obi-Wan teaches a young Anakin what it means to be a Jedi is spectacularly insightful. I think you'd enjoy it. Obi-Wan specifically brings up several careers that allow one to save people.
    I'm reading it and you're right, it's awesome. Just his "people in the galaxy afflicted by famine and war would argue whether the light of the Force is currently supreme" made it worth bookmarking, and there's still more!
    New to the Website and trying out all the tricks. I don't suppose there's a place to put drafts before we post them?
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