Patak Oct 10, 2022 You have no idea who I am but your avvie is top notch, it truly inspires trust, excellent taste 10/10👌
You have no idea who I am but your avvie is top notch, it truly inspires trust, excellent taste 10/10👌
The3rdCorinthian May 22, 2022 Liking the new avatar. Though I have no idea why I can't help but think it looks like one of the pilots from Gundam 00.
Liking the new avatar. Though I have no idea why I can't help but think it looks like one of the pilots from Gundam 00.
Czlyydwr Llrngwl Oct 10, 2021 Is there a particular significance to the color pattern on that Autobot logo variant, or just something you liked?
Is there a particular significance to the color pattern on that Autobot logo variant, or just something you liked?
Tibby the Cat Jan 11, 2018 I read your post in the thread "Why is SV largely liberal?" and based on your stated political preferences you may find the Niskanen center to be more in line with your views.
I read your post in the thread "Why is SV largely liberal?" and based on your stated political preferences you may find the Niskanen center to be more in line with your views.
Susano Oct 30, 2017 Whoops. I apologize for the accidental funny rating of our post. Damn touch screens.