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  • What's so funny about that one, anyway?
    "It's still used mostly to either insult people or express dislike on the politics board, but now you can only use it to insult people if it's right at the start of a thread, which is so much better."
    You bring such life into your comments! :) It was intended positively, but if you like I could change it to a generic Like?
    Grey Rook
    Grey Rook
    o_O ...okay. Yes, please.
    You know how memes can go viral? I think you've danced with the devil long enough. You're free to wrestle with the angels, but you're also free to just take a dang break, man. Unplug. Enter closed-door meditation. Write something really angry on paper, and burn it.
    Jesus died for all our sins, and you aren't ever going to out-dig him. Enjoy the sunshine!
    boo600 Sorry for responding a bit late... but what is this for?
    Random encouragement to take care of yourself. Please pardon the Extreme Weirdness; I was a bit insane at the time.
    I already read this a while ago, but today, I had reason to check my profile, and I saw it again. It made my day, which had been fairly terrible due to a death in my family. Thank you for this.
    There is an existing thread to discuss Practical Guide to Evil that is much more fitting than the Dungeon Keeper Ami thread. If you wish to engage in depth, move the conversation there.
    But constantly trying to find an argument is. I don't have anything to disagree with you on, and you seem to be trying to find something like that. I'm sorry if my interpretation was incorrect.
    ...Very incorrect.
    Again, I'm sorry. My interpretation of your statements yields a constant push. The limits of a text-based medium. Not sure if this extends to other people too, but I hope it helps that I told you about it instead of just getting offended. Is there any way I could have stated that which would have been less accusative? I would appreciate the insight.
    Insane you have been reading Heavy Meta IC, enjoyed it?
    ...can't wait until you get to you get Darius training followed by the dream sequence.
    Other question: Did you name your backup character after the Dimoniet in ADiY? If so, even though I didn't come up with the name, I'm flattered. (Also, ADiY is still updating regularly; I'm updating the latest post whenever I have a few extra minutes.)
    Lizard Knight
    Lizard Knight
    I am afraid to say Carne was just me bastardizing the words Kane and Carnage, I am afraid.
    Cool choice!
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