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  • Say, how fares your own tree quest?
    Life's been crazy, the update has been more difficult than expected, and I've been trying to upgrade my scripting to make future updates easier (or to at least keep the difficulty from continuing to increase), but the update is probably only about 3-4 hours of concentrated effort from being done. :) No promises how long that'll take me, sadly. :(
    Like the physics reference.
    Why were you checking out my profile, if you don't mind me asking?

    Hmm... Why was I?...
    Right! You're the one who's officially Brandon Sanderson approved, right? I'm pretty sure that caught my eye. I've read most of his books, own a copy of the Mistborn trilogy, and spent a while regularly listening to Writing Excuses. So it caught my eye. :)
    Young Pyromancer
    Young Pyromancer
    That's just my profile picture. I use the same username on The Seventeenth Shard, the Brandon fan forum, and I got him to sign a copy of the magic card I'm named after to use as the picture. When I told him my plan, he smiled and said 'approved'. So my profile picture is Brandon-Sanderson approved.
    @Hypervene Reasonably well, albeit busy. And how is your day going?
    @Hypervene Technique acquisition... successful.
    I'm a long-time lurker. I finally created an account to write a few Omakes for The Practice War. ;)
    Same here, actually. I lurked on SB for a year or two then got linked to a quest by BleachDoctor here on SV. And then TADA! Suddenly, Nooblet!

    What's your name mean, if you don't mind me asking?
    It's copied from a certain heroic masterharper from the Harper Hall Trilogy. Like if Dumbledore spent all his time singing, and worked to change a culture for the better through stories and songs. So, not very much like Dumbledore at all, I guess...
    Also note: my name is not Rob. That's my Dad, actually. :)
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