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  • I have a tech level question, how powerful is the stuff in your mecha setting, would a gundam Rx-78 be useless or overpowered in it? What about a Qan/Wing Zero/Victory hybrid.
    The last Gundam series I watched before writing Petals was Iron-Blooded Orphans, and I think that shows in like... The attention to physical brutality I had there. Just, I made my mechas be dramatically more fragile because I wanted it to feel precarious and lethal.
    I susposed the fragile pretty realistic, modern combat is all about glass cannons, I remember hearing a claim a age of sail ship can mess up a modern ship pretty well, if it managed to get a good hit granted said age of sail ship is sinking long before it in range. If the mechs were that tough, would the war ships even be weak to mechs.
    I also kind of wonder how the energy shields work vs mech attacks, it strikes me that a classic sci fi energy shield can kind of render fighters worthless, being a solid defense with no weak points, you really want the guns of a battleship at that point.
    hi! I've been intending to write an Exalted based quest lately. but I am not very experienced at this kind of thing. is there a chance you could give me some advice?
    My answer got too long, so I just shot you a DM instead.
    I was very impressed with 'The Lonely Devil', and frustrated at the realization that most of my normal forum filters would not have picked that up as a potential read. It's well contained, evocative, and takes a good story and twists it just a bit out of the normal 'stations of character' for an Exalted piece so you can play with the interference patterns.
    I'm glad you liked it. I've got a direct sequel planned, but it's been on the backburner for a while. Is there something I should have done to make the story easier for you to find?
    Lanthanoid Slime
    Likely no. Your Profile>'Threads by' gets your 'Compiled writing' and 'Lonely Devil' pretty quickly (how I did it). I can't think of anything you could have done that wouldn't have turned me off via self-promotion. What I wished have happened is that I would have discovered it 6 months ago via filtering the forums by 'Sort Descending X'.
    Lanthanoid Slime
    tldr: Cute, well written story in a not-niche fandom by an author credentialed on the site, didn't have the standard engagement metrics I usually use to filter for new stuff, wanted to leave a thanks without necroing the thread.
    This feels nostalgic, isn't this the same avatar from when you ran the witch quest?
    Yes, it is. It's Olive, from Gotham Academy.

    From a cursory look into the character it seems a pretty appropriate association with the quest.
    Oh jeez, I didn't realize until I checked your Original Quests tab just now that you did Tribulations of an Apprentice Witch. I remember people by av a lot more than I do by username, so with how different this av is from your last one I never would've guessed.
    I'm surprised I didn't mention this at the time, but I have only fond memories of Tribulations of an Apprentice Witch. I'm not sure if you meant you were glad that people didn't remember it because of personally not wanting to go back to it, or because of feeling that people would be upset with you for abandoning it, but if it's the latter I don't think you have to worry about that.
    Tribulations was a fun concept that sufferered from lack of experience and planning on my part. I have some fond memories too, I just wish I'd had my shit together with it better than I did.
    It's always lonely to see a profile page with no posts on it. No longer, I say! >:D
    It occurred to me after reading Petals of Titanium that I haven't really seen many examples of generic spacemecha stories. Would you happen to have any particular recommendations?
    Tayta Malikai
    Tayta Malikai
    Shame. From what I've seen, the various Gundam series are probably the best bet to find that kind of story.
    I suppose Aldnoah had spaceknights and princesses too... but they weren't particularly developed except for sneering at the Earthlings.
    Guess that means you've written something unique. :)
    Oh, I mean, yeah, I've watched a lot of Gundam and sundry other mecha anime, I just haven't like, seen many novels or anything based off of the concept. I think I misunderstood you.
    Tayta Malikai
    Tayta Malikai
    Whoops, yeah, I was pretty unclear in my choice of words. Though if there *had* been any such works in other media, I would've been pleasantly surprised! xD
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