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  • Hey Grounders, just wondering if you remember where you found your avatar? I swear I found it before but uh, can't dig it up if I did.
    It's been over a year and a half since TToP updated. I would like to request a <10k chapter.
    Grey Rook
    Grey Rook
    Apparently, Grounders10 mentioned that they are working on another chapter for that story in the drabbles thread. I kind of hope so; I would like to see it continued.
    Oooh, exciting 💜
    Super Peach Sisters seems prescient now that the new trailer dropped for the upcoming Mario movie. Her Highness has a war table, a halberd, and everything. Didn't want to necro the thread, but I had to give you kudos for your oracular insight.
    don't worry about necroing on SV, its perfectly within the rules (and does help get me focused on it again) and that is amusing
    [appears nearby, curls up in a cozy warm spot, her three midnight-violet tails wrapped around herself with just enough room that another foxperson could cuddle close if they wanted]

    Hi hi. A dear friend and sometimes coauthor got me into Ranma fics finally, so I'm probably going to be reading some of your Ranmafic soon. Hope you're doing well.
    Seeing that you don't use a lot of tags are there any of your Ranma stories where he isn't locked into a female form?
    uuuuuh, I cannot answer that 100% honestly and not give spoilers for ongoing stories?
    Any story where he is NEVER locked then? Not some point in the far future he might get his male form back. No lock ever happens, any of those stories?
    [wags her three purple foxtails and waves in a friendly greeting] Hi hi! Sable, local ink-demon/foxgirl hybrid, reporting in. Just binge-read "The Taste of Peaches" and reread "It All Starts With One... Right?" over the past couple days and really enjoyed 'em. Hope you're having a good week!
    *waves fluffy tails back* I am~ Hope you are as well~
    I am! There are pointlessly stressful things as usual, but I just finished watching Gatchaman CROWDS with one of my girlfriends, and my life is full of love, even if society is still frustrating.
    I have been binge reading your various ranma fanfics. And it feels me with nostalgia for the good old days, when i was a young child discovering the magic of fanfiction. Thanks and Keep up the good work!
    I apologize for the conversation that started on the GaE discord thread. I've said my peace and will not be continuing it any further.
    Just a heads up but the link for the cover image used here and on for Tangled Fate is broken. You may want to fix that sooner than later.
    oh ffs, of course everything breaks at the same time. (computer hard crashed the OS into oblivion last night as well)
    Actually the link has been broken for a while, but frankly I've been busy as hell these past few weeks and notifying you of that fact was pretty low on my list of priorities. So it wasn't just last night being particularly unlucky though I'm sorry your computer died.
    I hope to see more of Dreaming of Fairies soon! It's one of my favorites!
    I've suddenly got the image in my head of one of the dwarves being played by Jack Black, but none of their personalities seem to fit...
    Hey, just got done reading Frozen Light, and i must say, i really hope more is forthcoming in that story, since i really like the thought of Ranma in the Destiny setting. I am curious though, where in the Ranma timeline are you sourcing Ranma? Is it after the end of cannon?

    Last thought in my head, do you have a writing schedule for when you make new chapters for your various stories?
    more coming for AFL later this month. Planning on leaving it after the duel with Shaxx until I get more work done on other stories. Ranma is from post-canon. And no writing schedule at present. I try to work on those that have gone longest since an update, but I also allow myself to follow what I feel is most interesting at the moment.
    cool, i figure real life has a big effect on how and when you can write. Glad to hear you are still writing, keep up the great stories! Peace Out! :cool:
    Taking a few months hiatus from posting, need to back off from the pressure a bit ^^;, but I'll still be writing during that period (working on a novel as well so the free time is useful)
    A Shine of Gold is my new favorite story now, by the way. It's... *sniffle* beautiful...

    Tons of explosions, a surprising depth of character, and lots of tactics that made the original series so good. I have high hopes for it.

    Tangled Fate is good for that too.
    Just wanted to say thank you for the new chapter of "with Grace and Elegance". I thought it was dead, so it was a nice surprise to see the alert. :)
    wGaE is one of the hardest stories to write so it'll remain infrequent, but I'm going to try and get it out more often ^^;
    Fluff Pile time :::3 Also how are things going? Still avoiding the New Plague? *Spidery Snuggles.*
    *Fluffy Fox Snuggles* Going well~ Currently working on TTP~ Fluffy Taylor Wordz~
    @Grounders10 do you plan to continue "Dreaming of Fairies" or It "Always Starts With One, Right?" ?

    if not, are you willing to tell me if you plan to write any other stories?
    *looks up from Naruto/Exalted crossover* Hmmm?
    If you mean that you were reading a Naruto/Exalted crossover, then I apologise

    if you mean that you are writing a Naruto/Exalted crossover, then I await with bated breath

    good luck to you, Great One!
    If you ever get around to writing that original story based on the lol/reality idea I would love to read/buy it.

    love all your stories, especially the kitsune ones. I have a hard time finding those and you have several.
    *Surprise Spidery Snuggles.* "Loving the new chapter how can I coerce you into more chapters?"
    *snuggles* going to be a little bit. busy months ^^;
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