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  • Any chance of you continuing A New Dawn? It was excellent, and I for one would be thrilled to see it updating again!
    Honestly? It's difficult to find any time to write at the moment. Since January I've been pretty much putting in 60 hour weeks including a weekly commute of at least 10 hours, but up to 14. What time I do have is usually just resting or decompressing.

    Maybe this month I'll have an update? I have about 1k words down, it's just finding the energy and inspiration to write.
    Honestly though, I just got done with a 80 hour week, and a 14 hour total commute. So I'm exhausted.
    Stay Tuned. There is a surprise dropping shortly.
    Currently working on Game of Shadows Chapter 2. After that, it will likely be Papiergeist followed by Ex Nihilo
    Just got out of hospital, after tearing abdominal muscle will respond to questions oon latest chapter of Papiergest later today.
    Sorry to hear that hope you heal up quick, take care of yourself first.
    Duncan Idaho
    Duncan Idaho
    I wish you a speedy recovery.
    1000 words down. Gonna hit the bed, try and mop it up today before I go to see Guardians of the Galaxy 2, weekend is the target for release
    I'm alive. Somehow, and bearing some good news on the next chapter of Papiergeist. 1K words in, hopefully posting it by next week
    How goes the next chapter for Papiergeist?
    Poorly. Got about 580 words done, still awaiting for Magery to spend some attention on me to tell me if what I've written is passable in terms of characterizations. He's largely my anchor to prevent me from fubar-ing thing while I try and read Worm myself =(
    Working on a new story at the moment. Ice and Fire is getting some work done, but I just need to take a quick break and get this out.
    Hi. Welcome to the Forum. So Question: Are you and those other guys still doing "The Illusive Emperor"? Cause I like Ice and Fire but damn if I don't love The Illusive Emperor.
    Yes. We need to get back to that one of these days. A large problem stems from it needs a revamp before we continue.
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