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  • I there any chance the Hellstrider Quest will resume? I hoped to see more of it.
    Unfortunately, I am lousy with quests. I cannot maintain writing disciplije with them for the life of me, so I would not hold my breath.
    I wanted to thank you for mentioning and suggesting Plemons' The Look of a Woman in your Ostertag thread. I read through it in a sitting as soon as I got it, and found it incredibly useful.

    Your stories and essays are good, too, but I've already said that with reactions!
    Hi, I found the No Heaven of Mine quest and read through it, sad it didn't get very far. I was just wondering if you could share roughly what starting powers would be available to the other paths of corruption. I can guess some of it.
    Infernals: Black Fire/Stygian Ice/???
    Intruders: Something like Ulamag/Kozilek/Emrakul (consumption/distortion/infection)
    Primordials: Something based on the first three senteces.
    Hey, just found your stuff today, and I want to thank you- it's fascinating and insightful and wrenching, and great.

    And relatable. And useful. Thanks.
    I recently finished reading your story "a prison, a body", and wanted to compliment you on your quality writing - but I also wanted to mention how it bears some similarities to the story "Eudeamon" by Erica Moak (aka EvilDolly); ...
    It is a coincidence, or I suppose genre similarity - I am not familiar with the work you mention, nor with the author. Thank you for mentioning, though - I'll have to check it out now.
    So, what'ya think?
    Ya know, I never got an answer to this question...
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