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  • I started reading "Vulcan's Forge." And I quite literally went "MWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAA!" out loud when it revealed that ****Q**** was intervening. All hail the ultimate Magnificent Bastard of the Alpha Quadrant!
    A matter of worth is one of the stories that got me in to worm fanfics and is still one of my favorites so thanks for writing it and I hope you finish it one day.
    I only just got around to reading your notes, I didn't want to spoil anything if you ever came back. But i saw you had marked it as dead, so I bit the bullet and read them,and I have to say I loved all of it. Even things I normally wouldn't have liked (like the S9 and rehashing the Thor loses his status as worthy bit), sounded amazing, I'm sorry people drove you to abandon it.
    Ignore them this is just oart of writing everyone lives to complain you started somethinf awesome and beautiful. Don't stop man I want to see where you take this adventure. I'll be waiting for your next posr eagerly.
    Loving A Matter of Worth, it's fantastic so far and thank you for the double update today. Just wanted to make sure you know that there are people enjoying it and don't let the haters ruin it for you.

    Don't let other people ruin it for you
    Just want to throw my hat in the ring: please keep this story going. I really, really like it: you've certainly got writing talent.
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