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  • Necroscope/Warhammer Fantasy Quest or Harry Potter/Warhammer fic? What should I work on?
    Well, Hammer of the Megaverse seems interesting.
    I'm always up for a proper interpretation of the 'Primordial Annihilator'!
    Hopefully it will live up to your expectations!

    Really I do a lot of these quests either cause I love warhammer in all its form or because I feel that Palladium's works have sadly been overlooked and this is my way of getting new people interested.
    Sorry for no updates, haven't felt like writing quests lately. Especially not this week. Girlfriend just randomly broke up with me.
    My kitten is healthy and I just got myself a new job. Looks like the new year is going to be a good one! :)
    My new Kitty might have Leukemia. Won't know for sure for two months Pray for him.
    So I broke up with my girlfriend the other day. She didn't like fun and wasn't particularly affectionate even after going out for a month.
    I would just like to point our that the way your avatar-pick looks, it seems like the tyranid(?)/ alien gribblie is doing a "COME AT ME BRO!" stance towards the mech-bot shooting at it.
    It's actually an Iron hands terminator wasting a Slaaneshi Daemonette with his storm bolter.
    Went to see Kubo for my 24th birthday today. If you have not seen it yet you should make plans to. It was great! :)
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