Pathetic King

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  • Hello!

    As it is, you may remember participating in a quest "A Demon is You!" about 7 months ago.

    I had some family issues, and I took a bit of a break from writing.
    As it is, just starting up again seems inconsiderate, and I'm not certain whether or not to do so. I don't want to wait more than a year, but I will have trouble posting for a few months.

    Therefore, I'm going to ask for your opinion:

    Would it be a good idea if I continued with A Demon is You?
    Pathetic King
    Pathetic King
    If you started to continue with the quest, I will participate regardless of when you actually get back to it. I have no problem waiting any longer since its been this long already.

    I will probably not be able to continue until January, and I apologize for asking now- I didn't want to forget.

    As it is, though, ADiY is officially active again!
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