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  • I've got two 2000 word essays due, a case study exam worth 15% of my total grade and the only thing keeping me going is shitty eurobeats.
    I just watched EoE again, and I am reminded why Asuka is my fav . She punched an MP Evangelion so hard, that she hit the one behind it!
    Best Pilot is Angry. Stay out of her way. :)
    Yeah, feeding her fear into the anger receptacle was a clever move. Too bad that the mass production models didn't give a hoot in hell about it.
    So I'm a bit confused on how Infernals work
    I get that Slayers, are Malfeas exalted, but why do different Yozi get to decide their urge shouldn't they be full blown malfeas all the way instead of having Cecelyne's urge?
    Because they aren't about what Caste the Infernal belongs to, but rather Urges are a mission objective that the Yozi wishes to see done.

    Like kill Lytek, the Prince can be doing whatever she wants to do in Creation, but she will always have this thing pounding in the back of her head to kill the God of Exaltions, no matter if she even knows less than nothing about him.
    But why does a slayer of malfeas have an urge of SWLIHN and vice versa?
    Because SWLIHN wants a government who displeases her Hierachy destroyed so that one more pleasing to her can rise. And more often than not, Slayer's are brilliant fighters.

    And Malfes would give a Defiler an urge to create the ultimate super-weapon, because Defilers have an innate ability to create, even if the person in question is more of a spurned reseracher, while Slayer's don't as a caste ability.
    The feeling when you realise what you've written is crap, and you've got to delete at least half of it
    Have you ever considered moving your fanfic "The Gravid Maiden" to Questionable Questing? That is a forum that contains material that was deemed to risqué for spacebattles or sufficient velocity. It seems as if the material in your quest may end up toeing the line and I would hate to see what looks like a promising quest get removed.
    The thing that seemed particularly likely to draw the negative attention of the mods was the idea of a minor giving birth. Even though no sex is involved it still seems likely that some moderators would be offended. I am a big fan of the homebrewed kimbery charms and this is the first time that I have seen them used in fiction. I would hate to see your writing restricted due to moral concerns.
    The rules aren't against stuff like this, but rather their graphic portrayal. There is an Evangelion story where the two teenage characthers are engaged in a sexual relationship, but it is not taken down because it fades to black before hand.
    Thank you for clearing this up for me. Good luck with the fanfic. I look forward to seeing the next chapter.
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