W W Whenyouseeyou Jul 13, 2021 Hey @midnight77 will you return to the system quest that you made that was in a 1940s America
TerraBull Nov 12, 2020 Hello, just felt like asking about the UK Fallout. As noted, an Institute expy who Chem Boost minions & Clone, forming a "Clan" that know Medicine & run Aberdeen, who then try to make the land healthy and help against Raiders ( Vikings? )
Hello, just felt like asking about the UK Fallout. As noted, an Institute expy who Chem Boost minions & Clone, forming a "Clan" that know Medicine & run Aberdeen, who then try to make the land healthy and help against Raiders ( Vikings? )
W W Whenyouseeyou Oct 28, 2020 Hey @midnight77 on a scale from one to ten how big on our monopoly are we like the biggest or America biggest
Hey @midnight77 on a scale from one to ten how big on our monopoly are we like the biggest or America biggest
W W Whenyouseeyou Oct 1, 2020 Hey @midnight77 want to do a coin flip on system 1929 because we are at a tie