• I have rised from the ashes reborn but even in my absence my friends are not forgotten so I say/ask........

    Sup dude?
    Just two questions: First, you're still in the game, right? (MO's Starlight NRP)
    Second: Did anything change about your Space British since the version you used in Cosmic Light (2015-2016)?

    In case you're wondering, I'm your GM in that game now.
    dude quick remove that scribd document it is copyright infringement and the staff will infract minimum if not give a temp ban.
    Sailor Midgard
    Sailor Midgard
    Sorry, Roger... far too used to do this on Sype, I guess...
    just didn't want you to get a ban or anything, so figured saying something as opposed to nothing was better :)
    OMG, hey! Do you know where your avatar pic is from?? Because I do, and GODS do I miss the heay-days of Undocumented Features!
    Sailor Midgard
    Sailor Midgard
    Me, too.. Eyrie productions was great once and is hopefully still..
    Symphony of the Sword was my gateway fic into UF. The CORE stories were, ofc, terrible, but then, those were Eyrie's earliest works. But SoS? Was fucking fantastic.
    Sailor Midgard
    Sailor Midgard
    Amen. But what did it for me were the Supplementary materials.I love worldbuilding.Even used it for a bit of PaP roleplaying.
    Lower Saxony eh? German then? Oh yeah FRG derp. Well gutentag(morgen for you i think). But yeah EUIV is worth it, especially with the Art of War expansion. Also, limited bandwidth each month? If you are on a laptop I'd advise Wifi skimming at like a starbucks or something :D
    Sailor Midgard
    Sailor Midgard
    THank you, yes, germany- and as incredible as it sounds ,next starbucks probably 40 miles or so away in state capital, so no dice there, but thanks for the opinion, i have a very limited budget, you know...
    Wrong quote. I believe you meant to quote Umbra.
    Sailor Midgard
    Sailor Midgard
    You are playing as Hibiki Ryouga? Then no, if you mean the ooc thread...
    I mean the IC thread. You quoted Ryouga, when you should have been quoting Spark.
    Sailor Midgard
    Sailor Midgard
    GOD , your right. sorry for the inconvenience...
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