ctulhuslp May 28, 2019 You could find more grace than in heaven and more evil than in hell in human beings, and the fucker of it is that often it's the same being
You could find more grace than in heaven and more evil than in hell in human beings, and the fucker of it is that often it's the same being
Ugolino Jan 3, 2017 ...dude. This is a magical girl quest set in Madoka. Social is not exactly optional.
Ugolino Dec 24, 2016 You, uh, did see that Akiko was actually completely insane and hell-bent on murder regardless of the circumstances, right? We tried being a peacekeeper- she wanted blood.
You, uh, did see that Akiko was actually completely insane and hell-bent on murder regardless of the circumstances, right? We tried being a peacekeeper- she wanted blood.
Username Redacted Nov 9, 2016 I like you. It's good that at least one new sane person showed up while I was gone.