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  • saw imperial glory and concrete jungle looking through favorites one of them is absolutely dead but is the other dead as well?
    You make some of the most interesting starts to Quests and characters but you always drop them after teasing us with a few updates.
    Is Concrete Jungle dead?
    I'm slowly going through a old quest right now, but I'm just not doing that much writing in general, so, while it's not 'dead', it will probably be a while (weeks) before I get around to it again.
    Is Wrath of Aspects dead?
    No, I've just been busy with class and haven't really had the energy to do much writing. Give me a week or so and I should have an updated out.
    So I'm guessing the Emma Barnes Quest Reboot has been rather thoroughly killed. If this is true and you aren't intending to continue it, would you mind if I took the concept and ran with it? It's not guaranteed that I will, I just want to know if I have it as an option BEFORE I do any prep-work. Be warned that I'm not a great writer.
    It's not really that unique of an idea, so as long as you aren't copy-pasting stuff, then I have no problem with it.
    I was mostly referring to the whole master/stranger "Mental Out" gig. But okie, thanks!
    You may not care but I'll say this.
    I followed you because of your glorious avatar that matched with that glorious signature.
    I shall take my leave, master.
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