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  • Hey. Just reread AFHB and remembered how excellent it was. Hope you come back to it at some point. All of your work is great but that one is my favorite.
    I've been tearing through everything you've written over the past couple of days, and really enjoying all of it. Never expected to see an Arpeggio of the Blue Steel crossover, but I loved the way you chose to implement it. I've also been a major fan of transhumanism as a concept, but maybe that's just my preference for OP!Taylor showing through.
    Just re-read Paradoxical. As amazing as I remember!
    Can't wait to read anything else you choose to write, and thank you for sharing what's already out there!
    Hope you're still alive and doing okay.
    If you are, merry holidays and happy new year.
    Hey. Hoping you are okay, and life is treating you well. Just wanted to say again that I love your stories on here, wish you find your way through whatever troubles life has thrown in your way to meet with your muse again, and even if that never happens, enjoy living your life.
    Hopefully you're doing good and are safe. Your fics helped me get through some dark times and I'll be eternally grateful for it.
    Wish you health, luck, happiness and success in all your endeavours!
    For whatever good it is from some rando over the internet... much love, warm hugs. You're a valued member of the community and we miss you.
    Yeah, what CL said! Hope you're not dead, and that you are safe, sound and comfortable!
    I just remembered your stuff and gonna do a reread. Hope you are doing well.
    Hey, I just found myself rereading Transposition—by way of another Worm/AoBS fic inspired by it!—and I just want to say, God damn your writing is amazing. All of it, I've read AFHB, Paradoxical, Zizter as well (oh. my. God. Sera. Sera stahp. :D). (Continued...)
    I know the past couple years have been rough for everyone, and, um. I also know depression is extremely shitty even without the rest of the world deciding to fall apart. I hope you're doing okay and taking care of yourself, and—I'm sure this has been said before, but—if you find time/interest/energy to return to writing, I and I'm sure many others would be ecstatic to see it.
    Just read Paradoxical, a bloody good read right there, hope you continue writing it, and best wishes go to ya, have a good one
    Hey, I just want to say that I made a point of seeking out Paradoxical to reread today.
    Because it's that good.
    Don't want to necro the thread and I can't really write an omake or anything to justify posting there and not calling it a necro, so I wanted to ask: do you think there will be more sometime soon?
    (Also, there's a minor continuity flaw - Taylor says she was born in '96 in one chapter and '95 later)
    Just finished clearing A Finely Honed Blade, and I've read Paradoxial, gonna read Transposition at some point too... loved the two I've read, hope to see them update again :)

    Also, Late Happy Birthday, and good luck with yourself yeah?
    Aaand finished Transposition. Very much liked it. Gotta say, PanPan the Done With This Shit is best PanPan.

    Thanks for writing them :)
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