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  • I'm really enjoying your Kancolle work, although I did have one idea about Juneau strike me today. She would have been awarded the Presidential Unit Citation (along with Atlanta, Helena, San Fransisco, and the rest of Callaghan's TF) for the Bar Room Brawl. Obviously it was never presented to her before she was sunk, but now that she is back, she will be awarded it. Some fodder for a scene down the road perhaps.
    Well, I suppose technically it would require some tweaking of Navy regs and paperwork processing, similar to the stories you hear every now and again of medals finally being awarded retroactively for actions in WWII. So it is possible that Atlanta, Laffey, and Helena might be getting theirs at the same time, depending on story needs. Certainly TG 67.4 deserved it after Black friday.
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