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  • Hey everybody, it's my birthday! If you're curious about what I'm up to, feel free to ask, I'm having a free day rn.
    I didn't make it before the thread locked, so I'll say it here; thank you, so much, for letting us experience PLoMJ. It was one hell of a ride, and I hope one day, you'll feel a little better about it than you do right now.
    I like your profile pic!
    Thank you! It was posed with my very own Gundam.
    What's the new one?
    It's the three main characters of the manga series Kagurabachi— from left to right they're called Hakuri, Chihiro, and Hiyuki.
    Today, I heard someone say that ai writing is going to replace real stories— so I had to change my pfp out of spite.

    If you've never written before, I recommended trying it. Even if you're bad, it's still fun!
    Guess who's realizing some things about their/his/her??? gender!

    Today has been. A Day.

    Expect a username change soon.
    Ashen Cross
    Ashen Cross
    Curious to know what happened
    Really funny story, that. Was crying, (am autistic, was overstimulated) and I didn't want to look at my crying face… and then I realized that I didn't like my face. Or my voice.

    And then six months of socializing with other LGBTQ+ people hit me square in the face.

    So yeah! I'm feeling better now. Not exactly how I'd reccomend getting your egg cracked tho.
    Fun fact: My username comes from the nickname my mom gave me as a kid (Kermie), which starts with the same sound as my real name,

    She just nicknamed me that because she liked the muppets.
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