Wrote over 2600 words of fiction in around 24 hours in some sort of fit. There's more to go. But this seems to be the only sort of way that any writing gets done at all, so.
I must admit, I'm curious where you know me from. I don't remember there being an Evil Plan in any of the Discords I introduced myself in, but maybe you go by another name on Discord...?
Most people writing Worm fanfics either misunderstand Glenn Chambers, or are picturing him wrong, or both. Glenn's bizaro clothes aren't "some guy in a hawaiian shirt" or "stupid fashion sense but he's good at his job" -- they're "David Bowie" or "Lil Nas X dressed as a JoJo character". His clothes' weirdness is because he's good at his job!
I've been reading tribunal commentary for staff vs ChaoticAwesome. I'm only up to December 2 in the thread, I'm not sure how it's not locked yet. Maybe I'll move these thoughts when I catch up. (Thread)